Headshot Update: Not So Hard After All

A few months ago this newsletter asked “Is your headshot as old as mine?” Besides offering helpful suggestions for a good photo, it was a nagging reminder of something I’ve long needed to do—hire a professional photographer.

For years people have suggested I need a professional image for my website, social media, speaking engagements, whatever. Yet, I’ve always balked. Like many of you, my comfort zone is not on the posing side of the lens. Instead, I thought I could take my own picture—um, think five hundred remote control clicks for one sort-of-halfway-decent shot.

This fall I finally bit the bullet and called Suvi Tory Photography. What a fun experience!

Suvi Tory Photography, Used with permission.

When I first perused Suvi’s website, I felt out of place. I’m a hands-in-the-dirt, blue jeans kind of girl. My target audience is the same. I needed photos that were authentic to me and relatable to the customers I serve best. Yet, there was something about Suvi’s content that drew me in—yep, the word content on your website is important! Maybe it was her quote by Emma Stone, “I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.” Or maybe it was Suvi herself saying, “Be your own kind of beautiful.” Whatever it was, it wasn’t long before I had her out to the farm scoping out scenery and shots.

Photo by Suvi Tory Photography

The day of my photoshoot was a blast. We women all need a little pampering once in a while, do we not? Suvi and her stylist, the lovely Nicole (above, left), did just that. I even acquiesced to a little makeup, which we all laughed about. Such a wonderful team they are—by the end of the day, I felt like we were a sisterhood celebrating who we are, what we do, and the life that is meaningful to us.

Photos by Suvi Tory Photography

What About You?

Yes, professional photography is an investment. And yes, photo shoots are awkward for many of us. But they also are necessary. A good headshot is an important piece of our marketing toolbox.

So, let me go back to the question, how old is your headshot? Does it convey who you are? Does it show your professionalism? What does it add to your website and print collateral? Perhaps udpating these should be on your list for 2022.

My Kudos

Obviously, I’m recommending Suvi Tory Photography and Nicole Christine Styling. Treat your business and yourself in the upcoming year!

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