Do They Do Beer In Charleston?

Back in February we had reservations to celebrate our wedding anniversary in Charleston, SC. We’d made them six months earlier, thinking by then COVID would surely be over. Right? Well, February came and the travel forums showed Charleston hunkered down with positive tests and closed venues. No problem, we said. We’ll do below zero temps in northern Wisconsin and have loads of fun. Which we did.

Guess what! We now get to do Charleston in October! And from what we hear—COVID and hurricanes aside—autumn in the south is glorious. We are stoked! I’ve booked a culinary walking tour for one day and historical sites for another. I’m marking an abundance of scenic geography—ocean beaches, hiking trails, and big, old trees.

Seasonal Sipping

What about beer, you ask? It’s time for our annual Octoberfest Brewery Tour, after all. Well, it seems stepping outside our beloved Wisconsin might be worthwhile.

As we road trip our way down, it looks like a stop in Lou’s Brews, aka Louisville, could be fun. Further on, we can sip in the “center of suds” as they refer to North Carolina. And then there’s Charleston. How about the Charleston Brewery District, complete with a free Brewery District Trolley. Doesn’t this sound like a perfect example of businesses working together—when one succeeds, all succeed!

Drumroll please…

And now, may I present our 2021 Octoberfest Brewery Tour! It’s a promotional poster. It’s a map of our road trip. It’s an homage to the Angel Oak, a ginormous live oak just a short jaunt from where we’re staying in Charleston.

Want to follow our trip? Check out Adunate on Facebook and Instagram. And if you need help promoting your next event, drop me a line!

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