Today is Arts Day 2015 in Wisconsin, meaning right now there are energetic and motivated people at Madison’s Central Library speaking up for the arts. They believe arts are integral to our education, our economy and our quality of life. They’re encouraging Wisconsin’s legislature to invest in the arts and creative development. I wish I could be there.
Instead, I can appreciate art from Tribeca Gallerycafe and Books, one of my favorite local hangouts. Right now they’re showcasing the works of Caroline Senn, a hometown fabric artist—check out the piece below, it’s beautiful even under the less discerning focus of my cell phone.
Admittedly, art seems superfluous when budgets go unbalanced and people can’t get along. But perhaps a failure to recognize its importance is part of the problem. Author Lisa Phillips speaks of the 10 skills children learn from the arts; things like problem solving, collaboration and accountability, all of which are necessary in our societal world.
Let’s face it, we also need to think beyond education. The arts build our economy. They provide jobs. They revitalize our communities and promote tourism. Here in Wisconsin, TV viewers enjoy the artistry of PBS’s Around the Corner with John McGivern, Wisconsin Foodie and Around the Farm Table. The icing on the cake is that entrepreneurs throughout the state can make a living because of the promotional spotlight these shows bring.
Wisconsinites are outstanding artisans but we’re not the only ones celebrating Arts Day. Google “Arts Advocacy Day” plus your own state to find out when and where you can speak up. Then pull out your calendars and note March 23-24 for a nationwide Arts Advocacy Day.
Art is important!
Caroline Senn is a fabric artist from Watertown, WI. This piece is currently on display and for sale at Tribeca Gallerycafe and Books.