Rolling on with My Philly Murals

47th & Upland, West Philadelphia

Last month, while in Philadelphia for our son’s college graduation, we realized we wouldn’t be visiting again in the near future. We’ve grown fond of this town so it was with a taste of bittersweet that we enjoyed its charm and I captured these murals. I found this swirly mural on 47th and Upland Streets in West Philadelphia.

weird bicycle getup in PhiladelphiaI mentioned Philly’s charm, right?

Mapping Courage, Philadelphia mural on 6th and South Streets.

Mapping Courage, Philadelphia mural at 6th and South Streets

Mapping Courage

Aren’t the two above beautiful? Actually they’re two shots of the same mural, painted by Carl Willis Humphrey in 2008. It’s located at 6th and South Streets on the wall of the Engine #11, a historical African-Amer-can firehouse.

Theater of Life mural, 507 S Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19147

Theater of Life

According to artist Meg Saligman, Theater of Life, which is located on 507 S. Broad St, explores the many roles we play in our lives that make up who we are. Couldn’t we say the tacky food chains along side this beautiful historic building are also roles in our lives? They’re all fabrics of urban American life.

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