Bringing Light for Solstice

Days are short and the nights are long. In a world that feels overwhelmed in darkness, we can be the light.

Winter Surfers and Striking Arrows

Winter surfers are a good anecdotal comparison to “The Last Arrow, Save Nothing For The Next Life.” Here’s my review.

Happy Birthday Rachel Carson

Today is Rachel Carson’s birthday and she would have been 115. Her views on the interrelatedness of nature and our impact on the world still resonate today.

A Beautiful Bag in So Many Ways

Check out my computer bag! It demonstrates a creative way to directly support Ukrainian small businesses and artisans.

The Simple Joy of Earth Day

If you are in touch with creation, then you are in touch with its creator. We can find God in nature and a childlike simplicity of appreciating his gift.

A Solstice for Wintering

Katherine May’s book “Wintering” was perfect for 2020. But as Winter Solstice brings to close yet another challenging year, her words are like warm wassail on a cold winter night.

Revisiting Conservation Corps for Earth Day 2021

Proposals for a new Civilian Climate Corps have me researching CCC history and remembering my YCC days. These social programs benefitted far more than those who participated.

2020 in the Rearview with Zuihitso

2020 in the rearview: Using a Japanese literary genre to look back at Adunate’s 15th year in business

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