I love this illustration by Jessica Boehman (really, I love all her work). There’s something fascinating about the storybook coziness within nature’s holds. Recently, Boehman’s illustration went viral together with this essay by Bridget Anna McNeil. Both are meditative encouragements to slow down and embrace the beauty of winter.

Hunkering In
I get this same sense of coziness when working in my office. I look out my windows and see winter storms blowing across the fields, yet my old farmhouse never flinches in its sturdiness and warmth. A home office rocks. So do American Foursquares.

Finally, I’m Getting It
A December slowdown is something I’m finally mastering. It’s taken me a while—shall we say decades?—to learn this seasonal art of simplicity. There’s freedom in saying no to unnecessary obligations. There’s peace in recognizing what distracts others doesn’t need to distract me. To quote Marie Kondo, “Does this spark joy?”

Rhythm of Nature
Speaking of joy, Gayle Boss’s All Creation Waits is now one of my seasonal favorites. Her words are a gentle alignment between Advent and Winter Solstice. They speak to me of the natural rhythm of God’s creation, how in the darkness of December we can rest, wait, and trust that light will come once again.

Celebrating Light
December is a month of celebrations and, interestingly, this year Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, and Christmas all take place in the same week. Those rigid in their own religions are hesitant to acknowledge the others, but in truth, all three celebrations have something in common—reverence of light at the darkest time of year.

Oh, the Joy!
Here’s another December celebration; my grandson, Wyatt, was born on Friday! Oh, so, so, so very joyous. He’s our seventh grandchild and it doesn’t get old, not even the teensiest bit. Welcome to this beautiful world, dear precious gift from God!
Happy Winter Solstice everyone. May you marvel at the coming of the Light!