We’ve all heard about the rare Christmas Star coming this year. It’s the closer-than-usual encounter of Jupiter and Saturn aligning into one super-bright light. And because all this wonder is happening on Winter Solstice, it’s being called The Great Conjunction. It’s one more thing to make 2020 stand out in the annals of “unprecedented.”
This year sure has been something, hasn’t it? I know, I know. We’ve said it so many times it’s become cliché. But, let’s be honest, could you ever have imagined our world would change so much in just 12 months?
One of the saddest things about 2020 is that we let politics divide us at a time when we needed each other most. We should have come together against this year’s woes. Instead, history will likely judge us as having behaved in selfish, unloving ways, all of which we ourselves have recorded in our online disputes.
But I want to be a glass-full kind of person. I want to remember the many positives of 2020, even the simplest of things. How about the creative resilience we’ve shown as we wear our masks and social distance? We squint our eyes to smile at one another. We bump elbows to say hello. We hug our own arms to show others we care. And together we laugh about it, because, hey, what else can we do?
My Own Great Conjunction
I actually find 2020 a bit coincidental when it comes to Adunate—the name Adunate, that is. When I named my business 15 years ago, I chose a Latin word because of its association with my target market at the time. Since then, my business has shifted and I often feel it no longer applies. I’ve toyed with changing it.
Well, cancel that. The name stays.
Adunate means unite. And after 2020, we need all the unity we can get. We need a great conjunction.
As I formulate goals for the new year, I’m asking myself these questions:
- How can I focus on unity in all aspects of my business—unite words to design, branding to marketing, myself to my clients?
- How can I unite with the caring outreach I see happening all around me?
- How can I help small businesses unite with their customers?
- How can I help non-profits unite with their supporters?
- How can I be more unifying on social media?
- How can I be an influencer toward unity, how can I encourage commUNITY?
Finally, I’m asking myself, wow, can you believe Adunate’s celebrating 15 years? Only by the grace of God.
Happy Solstice and Great Conjunction ya’ll!