Last week we celebrated Earth Day and here in the Midwest there were days of warmth, then unseasonable cold, then rain, then snow, and wind—always the wind. It’s spring as we know it in this neck of the woods. Through it all, we got our grapes pruned, the garden tilled, and a pit of gravel out of the lawn and back where it belongs in the driveway .
As we wrap up this monthly appreciation of the place we call home, I can’t help delighting in the book “Where Does God Live?” Sometimes we adults become rather “complex” about our environment. But, like in this story, if we go back to the days of childhood simplicity, when we loved going outside to play, it’s easy to remember our world is a most special gift.
It’s been said “if you are in touch with creation, then you are in touch with its creator.” Many nature-oriented, indigenous cultures revered their environment for this very reason.
Throughout nature we find expressions of God’s gracious love. We see his innovative mind and detailed creativity.
When we slow down and experience nature, we can feel God within us. We’re filled with his spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Rather than arguing about environmental stewardship, let’s simply resolve to appreciate the earth as a gift from God. A gift we must care for in thankfulness. Let’s do Earth Day every day—here are good ideas from one of my favorite journalists.
Peace and love!