I’ve seen the term emotional triage used to describe November 2024. That’s fairly accurate, wouldn’t you say? For a multitude of reasons, this month has the potential to test our ability to breathe deeply. It’s also a month for heartfelt thankfulness and giving to others. For sure, November presents us with a melee of emotions.
Three thoughts came to light recently and they continue to play in my head. As varied as they are, I’m taking them as nudges toward the path I want to take. I’m showcasing them together with these beautiful cards by StoryPeople in Decorah, IA, and my annual offer for pro bono work.

1. Benevolence. Concern. Christ-like Love.
My church is big on small groups. Small Bible study groups, that is, because “circles are better than rows” and because that’s how the early Christians gathered. As a leader of one of these small groups, I recently received an email from our pastor offering encouragement for tomorrow’s election.
“As you know, we have an election coming up November 5th. Wednesday, November 6th, will be a day where half the country will be sad/angry to different degrees, including many people in our groups due to their candidate not winning. This is a great opportunity to have our groups be a safe place for people no matter where they are at. Let’s do our best to be socially aware of how our group members are doing and do our best to make sure people feel valued, even if they have different opinions. I am praying for you all as you lead through this.”

2. Motivation. Moving forward. Responsibility.
Seth’s Blog on “marketing, tribes and respect” is always interesting. In his recent Facing the Future, he says when our world changes (and it always does), we have four choices: we can 1) deny, 2) give up, 3) control, or 4) respond. Only one of these is helpful. If you guessed the fourth, you are right.
According to Seth, responding to change is a resilient path. Responders see and acknowledge the change and they then use their resources to productively react. They strive to make an impact—a positive impact.

3. Energy. Passion. Joy.
We met some of the most fascinating people on our recent vacation, including artists, servers, shop owners, fellow travelers. Each of them was unique, yet they shared several common traits. They abounded in creative energy. They had passion for what they were doing. They exuded joy for life around them. They all made me smile and feel inspired.
My Pro Bono Path
November is the month I open my mailbox for pro bono applications. In thankfulness for so many blessings, each year I offer two pro bono projects for greatly reduced or no cost. These are projects I strongly support and believe will positively impact God’s creation, his people, or his ministry.
My interests include, but aren’t limited to:
- Agriculture, sustainable
- Arts
- Children
- Environment
- Faith
- Humanity
- Food & Drink
- Sustainable living
- Women-Owned Businesses
Does your organization need help with branding or other marketing challenges? If so, click here for an application. Then, to further guarantee your project’s success, be sure to read these helpful suggestions.
My deadline for submissions is December 31, 2024. I will let applicants know of my decision in January.