Happy New Year! Happy New Decade!

This, my first day back to work in the New Year, is always one of my favorites. I’ve got a new calendar all ready to go, the sun is shining, and I’m absolutely full of anticipation.

Don’t get me wrong, I had a wonderful holiday season. Here’s a quick recap.

For the Memory Bank

  • My husband and I always take vacation from Christmas to New Years. This year the holidays fell in such a way that we added a couple days on either side, making for a glorious two full weeks.
  • When politics threatened to invade my holidays, I deemed them Facebook-free. With the exception of tending my social media client’s weekly post, I truly enjoyed staying clear of the chaos.
  • The food! Need I say more?
  • We relished precious time with friends and family. From intimate, small get-togethers to raucous, large gatherings, we banked a load of fun memories.
  • I read for pleasure! Including three books; The Dutch House, The Last Romantics, and She Said.
  • The weather, oh, my goodness. We may have had snow for Halloween, but we had mid-50s for Christmas. Unseasonable, yes. Nice, oh, yes! One day I hiked through Lapham Peak State Park and even the monotones were beautiful—there are still leaves on some of the trees!

Our holidays finalized the decade in such a blessed way. And now, I’m ready to move on to 2020. Life is an adventure, is it not?!

Anticipating 2020

  • Fifteen years! I can hardly believe it. I’m anticipating an interesting pipeline for 2020.
  • Looking for a 90-day Flourishing challenge? It doesn’t start until Jaunary 13, so you’ve got a week to get ready. Check it out here (the video comes out on Tuesday—well worth the wait).
  • I’m starting the year with two website projects; Hymns in My Heart and The Real Estate Duo. Very different projects, both very meaningful.
  • Snow! As comfortable as 50 degrees in January is, I’m a winter outdoor enthusiast. My snowshoes await, so bring on the white stuff!
  • The Practical Farmers of Iowa Conference is in two weeks! I’m honored to be presenting “Marketing Your Uniqueness.”
  • Resolutions? Well, you know how those go. Nonetheless, I’m hoping to continue reading more books and less Facebook.
  • I’m learning something new: Video. It’s about time, right? I’ve specialized on words and design, but sometimes you have to step out of your box. Especially when clients are asking!
  • Last, and certainly most exciting…Today, yes, TODAY, I’m awaiting a new grandbaby! Needless to say, anticipation abounds. Please, please, please, take a minute for a prayer!

Happy 2020 everyone! May it be blessed!

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year! Happy New Decade!”

  1. I loved this post, Di. Cool to see my business name plugged and in print in someone else’s website, too. Thank you! There is something so special about your heart. You feel deeply and notice things normal people don’t. I’m so thankful to have ‘found you’ for my website.

    Blessings on your new grandbaby! Awesome blessing!


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