Let Your Professionals Do What You Hire Them To Do


I love working in coffee shops. I love them not only for the creative inspiration they offer, but also the communal atmosphere of people. Often those of us hanging out don’t know one another but because tables are small and quarters are close, our conversations inadvertently become shared. Shared, as in overheard.

I learn so much when this happens.

So last week I was working in Madison’s Barriques on West Washington (yes, this wonderful recycled art is showcased throughout the cafe). There was a meeting of professional women behind me and as they discussed their business, one of them said, “I can help you if you let me do what I do.”

Wow. Such a simple statement that packs so much punch (incidentally, she said this in a very nice and matter-of-fact way).

Let Me Do What I Do

No matter what the industry, professionals are experts in their field. You are in yours. I am in mine. Sometimes though, this is something we seem to forget.

Like the time I wanted a cool new hairdo and my stylist suggested it wouldn’t work well for my texture of hair. I insisted on it anyway and guess what, it didn’t work well for my texture of hair.

Or the time my husband and I thought we knew a better way to install our concrete countertop than the professional who wrote a book on it. Nope, we didn’t think that one through real well.

And then there’s the entrepreneur who ignores her designer’s advice to avoid using blue for branding her restaurant. Why would a designer say no to the client’s favorite color? Probably because, as a professional, he knows certain blues have calming qualities that make them appetite suppressants.

These are just a few examples of how the professionals we hire know more than we do. Professionals work in their field every single day. They’ve been formally trained and they’re on top of what works and what doesn’t. That’s what makes them successful. Trusting our professionals can make us successful too.

Here’s a deal: I’ll let you do what you do, if you let me do what I do.

I’m a professional copywriter, graphic designer and marketing guru. I write sparkling content that moves readers to action. I design attention-grabbing promo pieces that make businesses stand out.

I’d love to do this for you!

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