Do two years in a row make it an annual event? I believe they do. So here we are, back from our second annual Octoberfest Brewery Tour (Octoberfest, spelled with a “c,” because it’s an über Celebration of Autumnal Sipping and Scenery)!
The weather was perfect.
The colors were better each day.
And the beer? This is Wisconsin so, of course, the beer was its best.
We had a great time and I can’t wait to share the week with you, starting tomorrow. For a sneak preview, you can check out my pictures on Instagram. And in the meantime, check out the Octoberfest poster I did to mark the event. Posters are a favorite project of mine and beer art is so much fun. Think of the office decor I’ll have if we keep this up!
Our first stop: Stevens Point Brewery, Stevens Point