Grace Place Coffee, Milwaukee, WI

Coffee art is brewing into a genre all it’s own and I’ve been anxious to become a creative participant. I recently had the opportunity.

Grace Place Coffee is a cozy cafe recently opened in the heart of downtown Milwaukee. Operated as a non-profit organization by Grace Ev. Lutheran Church, the cafe connects the church to the surrounding community of business professionals and local college students.

As a new business, Grace Place Coffee faces the challenge of introducing itself to the public. Its managing committee seeks to identify the shop as a cool, contemporary, and fun place to hang out. Words such as “togetherness, community, gathering place, upbeat, sleek, active, connection, and subtle evangelism” all came up as we brainstormed together.

The resulting logo incorporates the Milwaukee skyline and Baker Signet typeface that Grace Lutheran uses in its church logo, These commonalities associate the coffee shop with the church and convey its overall mission. The clean design compliments the overall style of the shop’s decor, and the curls of the coffee steam mimic the design in the upholstery. To top off the logo, the committee chose sepia brown tones to give it that extra “coffee flavor.”

The flavor’s definitely good at Grace Place Coffee! Check out the logo and the coffee at 250 E. Juneau Ave, Milwaukee, WI.

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