“For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?”
Wow, we’re already two weeks into 2025! In our household the New Year truly felt like a ringing out of the old and into the new. That campfire above? It was my husband’s ceremonial burning of his work lunch box. Yes, he has an upcoming retirement and that means we’ve got a myriad of new things on the horizon. Oh, the adventures that await!
Also exciting this year—Adunate will be celebrating its 20th anniversary. Huzzah! To say I’m amazed is an understatement. Have I ever mentioned my attention span is extremely short? That I’ve stuck with this for 20 years truly reflects God’s ultimate guidance. It’s also proof that no one succeeds on their own, considering there’s no way my little creative gig would last this long without the contributions of others, namely my husband.

A Tribute to My Not-So-New Husband
Being married almost 46 years puts my husband and me both into the ‘not-so-new’ category. It’s also nothing new that positive support from someone you love significantly contributes to the success of entrepreneurship. Here’s why I’ll keep my guy another 46 years.
Of course, financial support in the way of my husband’s good job, health insurance, 401K, and strong work ethic have been essential. This security has benefitted me in ways far beyond a bottom line. For example, it’s allowed me to pursue a business niche that matches my skills and values, even if perhaps it isn’t the most lucrative. It’s also enabled me, over time, to winnow client list to those who know the value of good marketing, respect my work, and pay me well. A luxury? Maybe. But as any entrepreneur knows, quality clients are a necessity for both business success and mental health. This takes me to my next point of appreciation.
“Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.”
― Edmund Lee
Yeasayers, Not Naysayers
Yeasayers carry an optimistic and confident outlook. My husband is such—not necessarily in words, because that’s not his way, but in careful thought and then action. He’s a highly skilled craftsman, fixer of all things, and analytical problem solver, all of which he uses to support Adunate. He willingly steps out of his comfort zone to accompany me in ventures related to my work; like sitting in on a women’s ag conference to which I’m presenting, or touring CSA farms while on vacation, or hiking crazy long trails for upcoming projects. He listens patiently (or at least pretends to, LOL) as my scattered brain flits here and there like a butterfly from flower to flower. Having my husband as a personal cheerleader is the oxygen I never want to be without.
This recent Forbes article lists seven essentials for starting a business in 2025; which, by the way, is predicted to be a banner year for doing so. I agree with the Forbes list, however they forgot what I consider most important—support from a loved one.
Thanks, Glen, for being here for me.