I asked my father-in-law to make me a chalkboard for my birthday. Isn’t it cool? You can’t see it in this picture, but the bottom portion of the frame is a storage box for the chalk and eraser. I love it!
Chalkboard art is everywhere these days. Maybe it’s because we no longer use these scholarly slates in the classroom that we’re drawn to their nostalgic quality? Who knows. Whatever it is, we seem to find chalkboard art most appealing. So, my plan was to write a daily note—you know, just kind of whip off something artistically profound and inspire everyone with my wisdom and calligraphy. Yeah, right.
Anyway, because I’m using the board for an upcoming project, I’ve been researching chalkboard art online. Wow, it’s really become a highly developed medium (obviously one I’ve not yet mastered). Here’s an article on Dana Ranamachi, who’s making a career of sketching these stunning boards.
For you DIYers, bloggist Leslie from Gwen Moss wrote this helpful “10 Things You Should Know About Chalkboard Art.” The Dear Lille blog also offers helpful tutorials, as well as lovely pieces you can buy.
And here’s why my daily quips never made it past Day 1: Carla Hackett. I don’t have her speed. I don’t have her finesse. Above all, I don’t speak with the wisdom of Kemi Nekvapil.
Maybe I’ll update my board monthly.
Or quarterly.