Back in the day—long before CAFO egg producers and bird flu were part of our lives—farm wives would raise backyard chickens and sell eggs to supplement their family’s income. Egg money, it was called and it was the original side hustle. This extra bit of cash was often the make or break of a family’s well-being, whether to put food on the table or enable a child to have piano lessons. Women have been doing these seemingly small things that make big differences throughout history. As we wrap up Women’s History Month, let’s give a high five to those who do the egg money hustle. Way to go, you amazing people!

Small Things in a Great Way
Let’s take this egg money concept even further. Metaphorically speaking, egg money is much more than a side income. It’s about doing small things in a great way, as once said by Martin Luther King Jr. At a more personal level, a dear friend in my women’s Bible group recently described her life’s calling as the “doer of small things.” She said we all have the ability to offer encouragement, lend an ear, give a smile, hold a door, and do acts of kindness. Oh, so true.
This inspiration has me thinking how egg money also applies to entrepreneurship. As I look back to 20 years of working with various organizations, I recognize my contributions were small cogs in their wheels of success. I was their egg money. Yet I feel proud to have worked with them and been part of their caring missions.
Are you a small business? Know that you’re doing great things! You’re making a difference!
Let’s all be doers of small things and may all the things we do be great.