Wormfarm Institute

Copywriting ▪ Print Design

Wormfarm Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting rural and urban neighbors through art, food, and the land. Headquartered in Reedsville, Wisconsin, the organization has added to the region’s economy and cultural growth for more than 20 years. In the same way Charles Darwin describes fertile grains of soil passing through an earthworm, so Wormfarm’s creative seeds are contributing to and investing in the community. They call it a cultureshed.

In 2014, Wormfarm came to Adunate looking for a promotional guide for its Fermentation Fest and Farm/Art DTour. Since then, together we have done all manner of collateral, including guides, zines, brochures, maps, advertising, and copywriting. It means so much to me to be part of this cultureshed.

When in 2021 the world continued to struggle with COVID, Wormfarm creatively took a different path. One of their fun outdoor events was DISCover Art Golf. The abstract design of this promotional brochure gives nod to the convergence of disc golf, art, and nature.

Every other year Wormfarm hosts a 50-mile, self-guided Farm/Art DTour through the meandering backroads of Sauk County. This promotional 40+ page guidebook offers helpful route information and interesting narratives, including my article on the Ice Age Trail.

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