Copywriting ▪ Print Design ▪ Logo & Branding ▪ Online Marketing ▪ Web Design
Branding from the ground up is always an exciting challenge. In 2010, two long-standing mutual insurance companies joined forces to become the new Forward Mutual Insurance Company. Adunate was privileged to help build its new brand.

The original companies were founded in the 1800s and served their local communities well. This meant they had policyholder families going back generations, all of whom the new Forward Mutual wanted to retain. Yet the company also wanted to target a new generation. We—meaning Forward Mutual and Adunate working together— have kept this in mind over the years. From its logo to its annual reports, from its press releases to its online presence, we strive to maintain a forward-thinking brand befitting its name, all the while remembering those “bread and butter” original policyholders.

When it comes to exciting topics, insurance may not be the highest on a consumer’s list. As copywriter for Forward Mutual, I take extra care to break down the industry jargon and bring human interest to the story. This was easy to do for Howard’s retirement article—besides being highly accomplished in the industry, he’s also a most interesting character.