Wonder Walking for Earth Day

Recently, I was delighted to find a Storywalk® reading of Micha Archer’s “Wonder Walkers.” A perfect way to celebrate Earth Day 2023.

Winter Surfers and Striking Arrows

Winter surfers are a good anecdotal comparison to “The Last Arrow, Save Nothing For The Next Life.” Here’s my review.

Pondering the Trail Ahead

What’s ahead for you in 2023? I’m excited for a whole world of possibilities.

Merry Christmas! And Viva la Vida!

Pantone’s Color of the Year is brave, fearless, a joyous and optimistic celebration. Here’s how to do Christmas the same way.

How Culture Influences Design

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, let’s talk culture and how it influences graphic design. The book “Joyful” helps explain.

Good Process Means Good Product

Design projects are often a long haul. Here’s the five step, design thinking process I used for my latest project—a Wisconsin State Park poster!

Happy Birthday Rachel Carson

Today is Rachel Carson’s birthday and she would have been 115. Her views on the interrelatedness of nature and our impact on the world still resonate today.

A Beautiful Bag in So Many Ways

Check out my computer bag! It demonstrates a creative way to directly support Ukrainian small businesses and artisans.

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