Gen Y, Social Media and Chocolate

Le Boulanger des Invalides Jocteur, photo by Jordan Ferry, Oh Happy Dayphoto by Jordan Ferney: used with permission

Maybe it’s because I have Gen Y kids. Or maybe because, as a late bloomer in the academic arena, my fellow collegians were Gen Y. Anyway, I think this age group is pretty impressive.

Gen Y officially consists of those born between 1982 and 1995, give or take a few years. They’ve ambled into adulthood with the most unprecedented ideas, and, with their 24/7 technology connection, they’ve completely transformed the rules of doing business. Interestingly, they’re proving quite successful.

Here’s an example.

Jordan Ferney is an entrepreneurial party planner, letterpress printer and writer. She’s also a blogger who captures up to 600,000 readers a month on Oh Happy Day, a lifestyle and design blog.

Right now Jordan is celebrating her blog’s fifth anniversary by giving away a trip for two to Paris. As in Paris, FranceLinking to her site means I’ve entered her contest, and if I win, I’m definitely taking her suggestion for hot chocolate. Really, is this brilliant marketing on Jordan’s part, or what?

And what does this brilliance and faithful readership translate into? How about advertising dollars, exposure to her businesses, and marketing benefits many of us oldsters just can’t seem to fathom.

What’s with us oldsters?

Should we be paying attention to these kids? (I know, they’re not really kids…) Should we, like them, be using the internet and social media to bring awareness to our business?

You bet we should. We should be looking at what they’re doing and think how we can apply it to what we’re doing. If you’re a numbers person, here are stats affirming that social media has become our marketing mainstream. The link is to an over-a-year-old YouTube, which by today’s standards is way outdated—all the more reason your business needs to act now to get with the times.

Blog, e-newsletter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and more…need help understanding all these social media and how they can grow your business? Drop me a line. I’ll bring you so up-to-date you’ll feel like a kid again.

1 thought on “Gen Y, Social Media and Chocolate”

  1. It’s hard for a lot of people to see exactly how social media works in the business world because it’s different marketing than we’ve ever done before.

    Social media eliminates the gatekeepers, such as TV, newspaper, magazines, (not to mention the cost) and it allows businesses to now communicate directly with the consumers of their choice. Businesses can establish credibility through blogging and e-newsletters. They can listen to their consumer’s opinions, their responses, and their complaints via FB or Twitter.

    For those of us who haven’t grown up with technology, social media takes getting used to. Don’t shut the door on it. Give it some time. And for heavens sake, go get some help learning how to use it. There’s profit potential far beyond your imagination.


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