Honoring Tribeca for Historic Preservation Month

Tribeca Gallery Cafe & Books

Since May is National Preservation Month and we honor those who protect the irreplaceable gems of our architectural heritage, special congratulations go to 2011 Great American Main Street Award winners Wes and Julie Crnkovich.

Wes and Julie were awarded for restoration work on their Tribeca GalleryCafe & Books building. Located at 410 E. Main St., in Watertown, Wis., it’s a classic example of original downtown stores throughout the United States.

Built in 1874, the building at one time belonged to Schmutzler Funeral Home—in fact, Julie remembers as a child seeing display caskets showcased in the window. The town’s post office was located in the basement.

Nowadays, in addition to being home to Tribeca and its delicious coffee and treats, it’s my favorite place to meet design and copywriting clients.

“There are advantages to doing business in an old building,” says Julie. “I promote the idea that we’re located in historic Watertown.”

Julie appreciates her Main Street presence. Tribeca is located at the busy intersection of Fourth and Main, and she takes advantage of her large storefront windows to promote specials.

And how about modern day promotion?

Julie, savvy businesswoman that she is, does that too. She’s got her online presence here and here, and you can join her on Facebook here.

Stop on by and check out Tribeca!

What do you love about historic architecture? Know of anyone using a charming, old building for great business purposes? Please share!

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