Energy in a New Way

NewWay Global Energy, Johnson Creek, WI

Here’s a project I was real excited to take on—a new company making a new kind of energy!

NewWay Global Energy is a subsidiary of JWR, Inc., a leading waste and recycling management company. I’ve done web design work for JWR in the past and when they asked me to help brand their new company, I was totally honored. Honored for two reasons: I love being part of new ventures and I really love people putting their brains together for alternative earth-saving ideas. NewWay Global Energy is doing just that.

But first, since I’m not at all scientific, I had some major research to do!

NewWay is a front-running company working to develop the first pyrolysis-based waste-to-energy recycling plant in the U.S. In this case, pyrolysis is the decomposition of non-recyclable materials by use of high, oxygen-free temperatures. NewWay’s system not only addresses the problem of overflowing landfills, it also creates an energy alternative to the fossil fuels we’re so quickly depleting.

This is awesome!

So check out NewWay’s home page. And mark this innovative new company as one to follow—we’ll be adding pages in the weeks ahead!


Need a website for your new company? Give me a holler!

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