Twittering for Christ

Last Thursday, the world was Twitterless for a day. Supposedly, we nearly fell apart. What is this Twitter we hear so much about? Is it something we can use for Christ?

Twitter is one of the many forms of social media communication. It’s mini-messaging to subscribers. Or it’s abbreviated blogging to the cyberworld. It’s a free, easy and quick way to get your message out to the masses—140 characters quick, in fact, meaning you can only use up to 140 letters and spaces to write your message, a.k.a. as a tweet.

At first, Twitter may seem kind of stupid. I mean, does the world really care what each of us is doing (the initial question users answer)? But wait. According to The New York Times, 45 million people are “legitimate visitors.” If that’s true, perhaps Twitter’s not such a stupid way to reach the tech savvy crowd in your congregation or the world with your message of Christ.

Here’s how some churches and individuals are Twittering for Christ:

Twitter Prayers: like an old-fashioned prayer chain, only faster

St. Mark’s Lutheran: a church and school announcement board

TheGodSeekers: sharing prayers and Bible verses

LifeisGod: a testimonial of faith

Are you Twittering for Christ? If so, please share with us!

2 thoughts on “Twittering for Christ”

  1. Thanks for the “tweet” about St Marks Twitter communications.

    Our Twitter tweets (micro-blogging) are auto-publishing on the side bar of The Lions Pride Blog and in our campaign site

    Here are a few people/organizations we follow on Twitter:

    The WELSTech office published a 1 hour podcast (download) this summer on using Twitter in the classroom; “Twitter and the Twassroom”.

    With Twitter’s global reach, you’ll never know who you’ll touch with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ; the “great commission”. Matt 28 16-20


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