Cheese is one of my greatest food pleasures. As is ice cream. And yogurt. And, well, any dairy product, for that matter. So when Deb Boyke from the U.S. National Committee of the International Dairy Federation (USIDF) wanted a new look for its online presence, I was more than happy to oblige.
As a subcommittee of the International Dairy Federation (IDF), Deb wanted to relate their site to the IDF’s, yet maintain an identity of its own. She also wanted to make a bold, attention-getting statement, one that communicates the up-to-date marketing and research in which today’s U.S. dairy industry is involved.
My job was to create a home page and subpage template that the organization’s inhouse webmaster would then maintain. For its design, I utilized IDF’s blue, teal and purple to create a relationship. I then energized it with a large splash of milk and USIDF photos. Technically, I coded the pages in CSS according to the W3C accessibility standards (a policy I practice in all my web design). This enables the USIDF, a national organization, to more effectively communicate it’s message to all viewers, including those with disabilities.
And now, off for a bit of cheese and crackers…yummm!